Monday, February 18, 2008

Sore Throat

Here's how to manage sore throat:

1. Is there sever difficulty in swallowing, difficulty in breathing, or excessive drooling in a young child?

if YES: see doctor now!
if NO: proceed to #2.

2. Are any of the following conditions present? (a temperature of 101F, 38C or greater; pus in the back of the throat, a red rash that feels like "sandpaper", increased redness in the skin creases and a fever)

if YES: call doctor
if NO: proceed to #3.

3. Is the person's age less than 35?

if YES: proceed to #4.
if NO: use home treatment

4. Are the person's tonsils swollen?

if YES: test for strep throat
if NO: use home treatment

Cold liquids, acetaminophen, aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen are effective for sore throat pain and fever.
*Children and teenagers must not take aspirin.
Home remedies that may help include saltwater gargles and tea with honey or lemon. Time is the most important healer for pain. A vaporizer makes the waiting more comfortable for some.

Source: Take Care of Yourself by Vickery and Fries. 6th Ed.

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