Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Manitoba nurses threaten strike

The province and it's nurses lurched closer to a strike today when the nurses' union asked it's members to refuse to do overtime or accept extra shifts, and scheduled a strike vote for next month.

The Manitoba Nurses Union says talks with the Doer government broke down last night over wage issues. The union says the pay raise offered by the province is not enough to stem the exodus of nurses to higher paying jobs outside the province. The union says Manitoba's health care system is short 8 hundred nurses and the situation will only get worse as more RN's retire.

The province appears to have been taken by surprise by the union's move: a spokesman for Manitoba Health says the province tabled a proposed wage increase of 4.8 per cent per year over two years and expected negotiations to continue.

The province says its offer would make Manitoba nurses the fourth highest paid in Canada behind Alberta, Ontario and BC, all of which have higher costs of living. A spokesperson for the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority says extra shifts and overtime are scheduled into March and the WRHA expects nurses to show up for those shifts. The health authority wouldn't say what plans it has to replace RN's who refuse to sign up for extra work after the scheduled overtime shifts run out.

The Manitoba Nurses Union says it has scheduled a strike vote for March 10th.

Source: canada.com


Beth said...

The Nurses didn't strike and got a raise and today the Workplace called me to fill two 4 hr. shifts and one gives me a 12 hr. shift . I work fulltime .
Do you think this contract is going to solve anything ?
I would have liked to see the Pension Plan buffed up so I can afford to retire before I am 70 years old .

Beth said...

OOps !!!!
I forgot to say I am an LPN and I work in Longterm Care.

nurseblogger said...

hey Beth. I am not that familiar with the working conditions in Manitoba for LPNs. Do you have laws regarding the number of hours/week for work?
I think you should discuss your concerns with your employer :)
if it's about your work schedule. Everybody deserves a break :)
