Sunday, February 17, 2008

Decreased Vision

Here's what to do for decreased vision, follow the steps below:

1. Did blindness (partial or complete) occur suddenly in one or both eyes, or has the visual loss been severe?
   if YES: see doctor now!
   if NO: proceed to #2.

2. Do you have troubke seeing objects to either side, or do ou see halos around lights?
   if YES: see doctor now!
   if NO: proceed to #3.

3. Has the visual loss occurred very slowly over a long period?
   if YES: see ophthalmologist or optometrist
   if NO: make an appointment with doctor


The doctor will check vision, eye movements, pupils, back of the eye, and eye pressure when appropriate; a slit-lamp examination may be done. A general medical evaluation will be done as required. Testing for eyeglasses may be needed; busy ophthalmologists will sometimes refer this procedure to an optometrist. Surgery may be recommended for some conditions.

Source: Take Care of Yourself by Vickery and Fries. 6th Ed.

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