Monday, February 25, 2008

Starting an IV

1. Prepare the patient: explain the procedure, answer any questions, and give reassurance

2. Gather equipment: IV bag with primed tubing, sharps container, catheter, tape, dressing, tourniquet, antiseptic swabs, gloves, IV catheter of appropriate size.

3. Organize supplies: tear tape, hang IV solution with primed tubing close by, sharps container within easy reach, 2x2 or other dressing open

4. Apply tourniquet: proximal to intended insertion site, either mid-forearm or above the elbow; don gloves.

5. Locate vein: palpate with fingertips. To further enhance dilation, gently tap, apply heat/warm soak, have patient make a fist, or dangle arm below heart

6. Cleanse site: using moderate friction, cleanse in a circular motion, moving outward from intended site

7. Put on gloves: while waiting for cleansed area to dry, avoid touching the site once it has been prepared.

8. Apply traction: (opposite the direction of the catheter)

9. Position needle: bevel side up, 15-30 degrees. Note: hold the needle with the thumb and pointer finger in a way that allows for visualization of the flash chamber

10. Insert needle: and observe for "flash back" in flash chamber. Lower catheter almost parallel to the skin, and insert the needle 1-2 additional mL to ensure catheter has also entered the vein.

11. Advance the catheter: thread catheter into vein while maintaining skin traction and pulling back on needle

12. Release the tourniquet, and apply digital pressure just above the end of the catheter tip while gently stabilizing the hub of the catheter

13. Remove needle, and discard into approved sharps container

14. Connect IV tubing, open clamp, and observe for free flow of IV fluid

15. Secure catheter, and apply sterile dressing per hospital policy and procedure

16. Clean up, and document per hospital policy/procedure

source: MedSurg Notes by Myers and Hopkins

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