Thursday, February 14, 2008

Infant Development

Infant development: What happens from birth to 3 months?
Babies change dramatically in their first three months. Here's what to look for.


A lot happens during your baby's first three months. Part of the wonder of parenting is watching, recognizing and reinforcing these changes.
Most babies reach certain milestones at similar ages — but infant development is not an exact science. Expect your baby to grow and develop at his or her own unique pace. As you get to know your baby, consider these general infant development milestones.

What to expect
Your baby's first month at home poses a huge adjustment for everyone. At first, it may feel like an endless cycle of feeding, diapering and soothing. But soon, you'll settle into a routine and begin to delight in your baby's growth and development.

Motor skills: Budding movement and coordination
Your newborn's head will be wobbly at first. But within the first few months, most babies can face straight ahead while lying on their backs and lift their heads while lying on their tummies. Although newborns aren't likely to roll over, your baby may soon turn from side to back. Your baby's stretching and kicking will get more vigorous. If you offer a toy, your baby may grasp it and hold on tight for a few moments.

Hearing: Responding to voices and other sounds
Within a few weeks, your baby may respond to loud noises by blinking, startling, frowning or waking from light sleep. Even everyday household sounds — footsteps on the floor, water running — may elicit subtle responses, such as increased limb movement or slowed sucking rhythm. Expect your baby to respond to the sound of your voice.

Vision: Learning to focus
Most newborns can focus best on objects eight to 12 inches away — about the distance to your face during a feeding. Soon your baby will begin to examine more complex designs, along with various colors, sizes and shapes. You may notice your baby studying his or her hands and feet. By age 3 months, your baby may be easily distracted by an interesting sight or sound.

Communication: Expressing affection
Newborns are sensitive to the way you hold, rock and feed them. By age 2 months, your baby may smile on purpose, blow bubbles and coo when you talk or gently play together. Your baby may even mimic your facial expressions. Soon your baby will reach for you when he or she needs attention, snuggling in your arms for security and comfort.

Promoting your baby's development
Your relationship with your child is the foundation of his or her healthy development. Trust your ability to meet your baby's needs.

Hold your baby
Gentle caresses and tender kisses can help your newborn feel safe, secure and loved. Hold and rock your baby. Allow him or her to study your face. Let your baby grasp your little finger and touch your face.

Speak freely
Simple conversation lays the groundwork for language development — even before your baby can understand a word. Ask questions and respond to your baby's coos and gurgles. Describe what you see, hear and smell around the house, outdoors, and when you're out and about. Use simple words that apply to your baby's everyday life. Remember that your tone of voice communicates ideas and emotions as well.

Change positions
Hold your baby facing outward. With close supervision, place your baby on his or her tummy to play. Hold a colorful toy or make an interesting noise to encourage your baby to pick up his or her head. Many newborns get fussy or frustrated on their tummies, so keep these sessions brief at first — just a few minutes at a time. If drowsiness sets in, place your baby on his or her back to sleep.

Respond quickly to tears
In any given day, the average newborn cries for more than two hours. Whether your baby needs a diaper change, feeding session or simply warm contact, respond quickly. It's not possible to spoil a newborn. In fact, your attention will help build a strong bond with your baby — and the confidence he or she will need to settle down without your help one day.

When something's not right
Your baby may reach some developmental milestones ahead of schedule and lag behind a bit on others. This is perfectly normal. There's typically no cause for concern. It's a good idea to be aware of the warning signs, however.

Consult the doctor if you're concerned about your baby's development or you notice any red flags by age 3 months:
No improvement in head control
No attempts to lift the head when lying facedown
Extreme floppiness
Lack of response to sounds or visual cues, such as loud noises or bright lights
Poor weight gain

Remember that every baby is unique — but your instincts are important, too. The earlier a problem is detected, the earlier it can be treated.

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