Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Safety Tips for Nurses

Here are safety tips for nurses in the workfield by Paula Kriner and Psyche Pascual of
CONSUMER HEALTH INTERACTIVE . Nurses, keep these in mind to prevent injury in a very busy atmosphere in the ward.

•Needlesticks. Health care workers have long fought for laws that would require hospitals and health care centers to use safe needles -- that is, needles with safety caps and other devices that prevent puncture wounds. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires gloves, gowns, masks, eye protection, and now needles to conform to the requirements of the Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act. Since 2001, this federal law has required hospitals to use safe needles. If your hospital doesn't use safe needles, you may want to discuss it with the person responsible for workplace safety issues at your job. Meanwhile, make sure you're especially careful when drawing blood. Be aware that you are likely to be at your highest risk of injury at the end of a shift or when working a double shift, or at times when staffing is low.

•Back injury. The majority of injuries reported by nurses are head, neck, or back injuries related to lifting patients, nurses report. Although federal guidelines suggest workers do not lift anything above 50 pounds, most patients weigh much more than that.
Whenever you can, push instead of pull. This puts less stress on your back and you have twice as much power. Stay close to the bed or machine you are using and avoid reaching. Use both arms to prevent strain. When you lift from floor level, lift from a squat with your back straight, bend your knees, and let your legs do the lifting. If you have to lift from waist level, try to get help from another nurse or aide on the floor. Make sure you put the bed rails or wheelchair arms down. Explain what you're doing to your patient and to your co-worker who's helping you lift.

•Workplace violence. Nurses are particularly vulnerable to violent attacks when staffing is low and at times of high activity, such as visiting hours and meals, OSHA researchers note. Some nurses also work alone in remote locations and in high-crime areas where they are vulnerable to assault.
Many nurses can't avoid working alone or in emergency rooms and mental health centers where the potential for violence exists. Most health care centers have installed security systems that control access and require employees to wear ID badges.
Familiarize yourself with your patients, especially those with a history of violent behavior, dementia, or drug or alcohol intoxication. You can also make sure you always have an escort or another worker around when you feel you're in an unsafe situation. Make sure you have a system that protects confidentiality but alerts your co-workers if you know there's a patient who may become aggressive.

•Latex allergy. The powder that manufacturers put on latex gloves can cause a rash on your hands, and in some severe cases could send you into anaphylactic shock. Even if you don't develop an allergy when you first start using them, you could develop them later, and you may be sensitive to them even if they're on other people's hands.
Ask your workplace to use powder-free gloves. But if you do have to work with powdered gloves, wash and dry your hands thoroughly after removing them. While at work, avoid using oil-based lotions that contain mineral, coconut, or palm oil or lanolin. These oils break down the glove barrier. If you can, wear synthetic gloves or cotton liners with latex gloves for work that gets your hands wet. People who develop latex sensitivity may have to go to more trouble to avoid exposure. Consult a doctor and tell your employer if your symptoms get worse.

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