Saturday, March 1, 2008

Interview tips: Follow-up

1. Send a thank you note after the interview.
Letter writing may be a lost art, but a simple thank you note shows your interest and thoughtfulness, which reinforces a favorable impression. So, if you want the job....say thank you.

Thank the interviewers for their time and consideration. Keep the tone business-like, focused and warm. It should be a reflection of your personality, your professionalism and how you approach your nursing career. Mention a specific contribution you can make to address their current challenges and then wrap up the note by asking for the job.

Proofread the letter and make sure there are no typos or inaccuracies. E-mail, mail, hand-deliver or fax your letter so that it arrives within 24 hours after your interview.

2. What if the job’s not for you?
Send a thank you note anyway. It shows good manners and thoughtfulness on your part. Hiring managers will appreciate your courtesy and might even suggest another position at their facility or at another location.

3. What if you don’t hear anything from the hiring manager?
If it has been a few days, call to convey your continued interest and check the status of the interviewing process. Find out when the decision will be made and ask if there is anything else you can provide. This could be an opportunity to supply additional references, paperwork or information.

Follow up the day before the decision is supposed to be made. Be considerate of the hiring manager’s time and pressures associated with the pending decision. This warmth and graciousness shows compassion on your part and could turn things in your favor.

source: Nurse Zone

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